Valentine's Tragedy

It came out of no where.  There are no signs.  You and your love have spent every day together, can't keep your hands off.  Then suddenly life decides to play bitch for a day. You wake up one morning, do your daily routine and then BAM!  They are gone.  No signs, no warnings.  I can't help but feel completely responsible for what happened.  Life is cruel.  As I write this, I find it hard to pull the words to describe the relationship I had with Mac.  And yet ironically, I let her down.  We had our ups and downs like most pairs, but we would never go to sleep without resolving our issues.  The next day things would be normal.  Mac was wonderful, supporting me in every aspect of my day to day.  From my video editing to my blogging, Mac was there.  On the morning of Feb 8th, while leaving for work, Mac died.  Mac was less than 4 months old, and was purchased at the Apple store in SF.  Here's what happened....

 The morning of Thursday Feb. 8th, 2007
I woke up as usual and went about my business.  I grabbed Mac and slung it under my arm as I headed to my consulting gig at a growing video start-up.  My usual route from HowIGeek HQ to work was the usual 15 mins.  I decided to take the stairs and enter the building through the back entrance, mistake #1.  It had been raining out and the metal stairs were slippery.  As I reached the top stair, I took a slip and reached for the rail as the Mac slipped from my grasp.  The sound is one you can never imagine in any of your worst nightmares.  The Mac landed 5 steps down on it's corner, then the aluminum body sprung up again as it gained speed and proceeded to snowball down the stairs till it landed at the bottom having been stopped by the corner wall at the end.  Pieces were everywhere.  Time stood still then.  It was quiet...almost peaceful. [Digg This]

The Aftermath
I rushed down to try and rescue Mac.  It was no use.  Mac was gone, but somehow in the back of my mind I kept telling myself "No..Mac will be fine, we have been through a lot".  I was kidding myself.  The twisted wreckage was a clear indication that Mac was not going to come back.  I rushed Mac to my office and closed the door.  I sat there and stared at the broken display, disfigured and cracked.  What had I done?  No laptop bag. "Why!?!"  Mac never insisted on one.  It was trust.

Later that day, I had resigned to the fact that it was indeed over.  It was time to make preparations.  Mac would have wanted it that way.  So, with firewire cable in hand, I powered Mac up and held the "T" button down.  It was time to deal with the donated organs, or rather the data that Mac still clutched on to....leaving the analog world.  The end.


  1. Cash Advance 9 January, 2008 at 14:22

    This post donates divine information covering ! I must say this wonderful reports is greatly authentic.

  2. KnytFyre 13 February, 2007 at 07:38

    Maybe this is for the best. I know, I know, it’s terrible for me to say that, but think of it this way. Mac will never have let you down when you really really needed her, and you will always remember the good times you had together. When the time comes and you have a new Mac in your life (I know it feels like you never want another Mac, but one day you will move on, you know Mac would want you to) you’ll be able to look back at the good times and maybe even share some of those times with new Mac. Just remember the lessons you learned from this experience. Mac may not demand a laptop case, but Mac always will want one.

  3. Maranik 12 February, 2007 at 04:15

    Hi, I’m really sorry for you and yours mbp 🙁
    Do you think to sell some parts?
    I’m very interested to keyboard, i’m italian and i need a keyboard with US layout.

  4. Neil 10 February, 2007 at 20:07

    I have to say that really sucks….I have never had anything like that happen to me, but I can imagine how it must have felt to see it dropping and then to see the end result.

    I really feel your pain. 🙁

  5. duram 10 February, 2007 at 09:07

    This is why I NEVER take the stairs when I have my laptop (I fell once before too, but my laptop survived). People in my building look at me funny when I take the elevator to go two floors, but it’s worth it to not have my baby destroyed. I’m sorry about your Mac.

  6. Genesis 10 February, 2007 at 05:15

    That is horrible! My Mac recently took a spill, but it didn’t break into pieces. The graphics are just messed up now, and everything is tinted green. My Mac gave me 3 good years.

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