PowerSquid by Flexity

I have reviewed many different ways to stuff lots of plugs in one outlet but this product seems to be the answer I'm seeking for my personal mass of plugs.  The PowerSquid by Flexity was shown at CES 2006 and MSN claims it was the "must have" Tech Gear for 2006.  That tells me I'm behind on things if it's a year old already!

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I got a press release today that said:  "The GOOD DESIGN Award marks the third major award that the PowerSquid
Surge Protector garnered in 2006. The clever cephalopod-inspired surge
protector also won Best of Innovation honors from the 2006 Consumer
Electronics Association (CEA), and received the 2006 CES Scientific
American Innovations People's Choice Award for best new product on
display, as voted on by the attendees."

I don't think this is old news because this product is coming out in three new models to be shown at CES 2007.  Just looking back on CES of 2006 while we get news of CES 2007.  What do you think was the best gadget for '06 and what do you see coming in for '07?

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