Black Friday Shopper's Guide

Blackfriday Black Friday fans get your wallets ready, and prepare for the most chaotic shopping day of the holiday season. This is the one day when your dreams of finding $100 computers may come true. Don't think the idea is too far fetched. One Best Buy ad says Celeron E-Machines with a 15" LCD will be selling for $189. Trust me, it's time to create your electronics hunting gameplay to find gear at dirt cheap prices, while fighting little grannies to get em' first. To prepare for this event, I learned from Kotaku, that the site Black Friday Ads has scanned ads of Black Friday sales from major retailers including Circuit City, Best Buy, Toys "R" Us and Wal-Mart. Also check out Gotta Deal and Black Friday Ads. You better start planning your store camp-out now.

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