PS2 With 'Pretty-in-Pink' Look

Yes, that's right, girls, Playstation has come out with a new and ever-so-pink Playstation 2 gaming console.  Expected to be released this November, the pink console will include fancy pink controllers and a delicate pink memory card.

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Tell me this won't keep those game-addicted boys off your system!  Maybe not, but at least you can claim it as your own and they probably will not argue.  It seems this version is set to include the game 'Singstar Pop' which doesn't seem as fitting as the color, but at least they are trying to please the ladies of the gaming world for once!

The pink Playstation is just one of the many new gadgets that companies have done some 'forward-thinking' on in trying to lure those of us that are addicted to gadgets, and happen to be female, to buy.  I don't know about you but I think pink sells.


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