Photo Cuffs

Display photos on your wrist with special features.  The SMOY Photo Cuff Bracelet236280435 730242cc14 m Collection offers choices for fashion that might interest some.  I'm not sure where this would fit into my life, except maybe to display my children, and how often do I go anywhere without them in person?

Stylish vinyl photo-cuffs that are laser cut and claimed to be hand-assembled by an artist could be useful I suppose.  From 1 frame options to 4 frame options (4 different photos to display), multiple colors and patterns and the functionality offered, this might be a good gift idea for the person that loves photography or an overseas family member (perhaps military?).

From $17 to $28 it's worth a chance to see if they like it.  Not limited to photos of people, you could design your own with items or news articles if you are creative.

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