Before The Computer Came...

Yes, you remember the typewriter don't you?  I never had to use one for business purposes but I had one in my house that I put to use while in elementary school.  This was pre-computer for me and it got me started with fast typing skills.

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Now they show it as a very vintage look to include typewriter key charms with a stylish necklace.  The 'typewriter necklace' will give you something to talk about when you wear it.  You can choose from any letter of the alphabet and the style of the key is from the 30's or 40's typewriter (I didn't use one that old) key.

Bracelets, multi-colored keys, cufflinks and a larger type key are many of the choices they give you when it comes to style on this site.  Decently priced, they make for a great gift...for the older geek in your life.

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