Virtual Tourist Can Help

I received a press release today about a site called Virtual Tourist.  Here's part of the email:

"Photos found on VirtualTourist’s online travel guides range from hotel rooms, recognizable sights and unusual attractions, to exteriors of hard-to-find places, street signs, restaurant menus and food, local culture and more. And unlike images found on other photo sharing websites, the images on VirtualTourist aren’t simply bulk uploads, but instead travel photographs linked to real travel tips and advice intended to help others plan and research trips."

This site seems great for researching a future trip that you are planning, setting up business trips, choosing hotels and other amenities.  I visited the site and noticed many personal comments and reviews for certain areas.  I'll certainly use this site when planning my next trip. 

A much more "personal" way to view an area that someone has visited that you plan on visiting.  Without the perfect "professional" photos that most sites have to advertise, this gives you a better chance to see things as they really are, in an honest light.

Visit Virtual Tourist today and use the features provided to plan your next trip.

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