Too poor to get an iPod?

IpooriPods are so popular, yet so expensive. Designsojourn designed a fun t-shirt for those too poor to buy an iPod. Even if you're an iPod owner, you can still support the iPoor clan who couldn't afford afford those damn little white players we've grown to love so much, even if they sold their soul.  Would it be cruel to get one for my cheapskate friend who is too poor to get an iPod? Damn, I guess that would be cold.

1 comment

  1. Uber-Review 25 July, 2006 at 20:40

    iPod For The iPoor

    The iPod for the iPoor.
    I have a love and hate relationship of the Apple iPod. In particular I dislike its planned obsolescence, as well as its obnoxiously high prices. This got me thinking there must be a group of people in the Cult of the Mac t…

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