If you haven't heard of Flock yet, it's time to take notice. Flock is a free "social web browser" with built in integrations to image services Flickr and Photobucket, social bookmarking sites Del.icio.us and Shadows, Technorati, and a posting interface for most blogging platforms. Don't let the explosion of features overwhelm you...a setup script runs on first launch to set these services up in minutes. Security is also a lesser concern, since Flock is based on Mozilla's Firefox code. Or if you use Linux and think you never get any of the fun new stuff (oh, what a trade off you must suffer for proper user permissions!), Flock's still got you covered. Builds are available for Windows, OS X and Linux. Most of your extensions will likely be able to cross over as well when you use Flocker or Flockd. The Flock team is really passionate about this project, and Beta 1 really lets their dedication shine. Step up to a more seamless browsing experience and download the beta here.