Fold now in public beta

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Just entering public beta, this week's new Ajax-flavored start page already has way more features than any others that have caught my attention.  The ability to populate containers with your own html, flash application, and a slideshow based on flickr tags stand out above the requisite notepad, weather, and RSS reader.  But the strength in Fold is that an html container can have more than just text and can also include JavaScript and iframes that contain OTHER Ajaxy applications.  Many of the examples listed in the FAQ only include 3 lines of easy copy and paste code.  In only a few clicks I was able to integrate my Pandora player, a word processor, and Google Maps, but the possibilities for expansion are unlimited.  I hadn't yet been able to get really excited about having a handful of Firefox tabs open to duplicate features that I can already do on my laptop, but the prospect of using them all in one page intrigues me enough to at least give it all another try. Oh yeah, works on Firefox only. [Link via Lifehacker]


  1. ~JOSh-X 4 May, 2006 at 09:12

    For example… uh… how did you get the Pandora player to work in Fold? I got the shell to open, but no music will play.


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