Skype Now Available for Treos (Verdict: Slightly Obfuscated)

131643579 a2e74e1f99If you have a Treo 600, 650, or 700w that can connect to the Internet, Skype has released a client named EQO (pronounced “echo”) that allows you to send and receive calls, send instant messages, and check online status for your Skype contacts away from your computer. The system consists of a J2ME client on the phone and also a component that runs on your (2K/XP/OSX) computer to pass information between the mobile and your existing Skype install. Looks like there’s some interesting gotchas on the FAQ page, such as anyone in close proximity to your computer can hear your conversations, and you’re still being charged by your mobile carrier for incoming minutes used. I don’t know of any US mobile provider that doesn’t include free long distance, so unless you make lots of international calls or you just really like Skype, sit this one out. Currently free, and beta. [EQO]

1 comment

  1. Colin Dodds 24 April, 2006 at 12:40

    Just a clarification – EQO is a company independent of Skype, and the EQO client uses Skype but is not affiliated with it. Also, as far as Treo support goes, the Treo 650 is supported by EQO, but the 600 and 700w are not. More details are available at

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