Tech Companies Flocking to advertise in Women Magazines

Mags Darla Mack points out that next month's Marie Claire, a popular fashion magazine, will be publishing a list of the "10 Best Gadgets for Girls".  Last week I picked up a copy of the USA Today Now magazine which proudly graced the cover with a woman wearing a pair of Oakley Thumps.  Not to mention, last night while I was at the gym stepping away on the Stair Stepper, I happened to be flipping through this month's Lucky Magazine where I found a one-page ad featuring a model wearing an attractive pair of the white Oakley Thump 2 sunglasses. 

Seventeen, CosmoGirl, Oprah's O, and the Ladies Home Journal have also introduced high-tech gear advertisements to their readers according to an article in Business Week (Meet Jane Geek, November 2005).  The article mentions that Dell has tuned-in, and is now actively serving the under-served yet "fastest-growing customer group" in consumer electronics, Women. Not only are these tech companies advertising on women's favorite mags, but they are also running ads on women-centric channels such as Oxygen and Lifetime Television.

Here are some reasons why:

1. Women are expected to outspend men in the $122 billion market this year.(Source: CES)
2. Dell found that women made up 50% of its buyers, and they were "as likely as men to prefer buying PCs online."
3. Women now head 33 million households, up from 21 million in 1980.
4. Women's income has increased 63%, while men's income has "barely budged". (Though still make less than men)
5. Women are starting business at twice the rate of men.(Source: Center for Women's Business Research)

I actually enjoyed reading the article, which did not sound condescending, and in actuality answered some of my questions as to why women are being targeted, and what complaints these companies are responding to.  Nothing is more upsetting to me than the thought of companies acting on assumptions, and not research.

Sounds like more women are also taking an active role in participating in consumer electronic research, and won't shy away from letting these high-tech giants know exactly what they want in their gizmos.  Go Girls!  Source: Business Week


  1. patricia 28 November, 2005 at 12:53

    I am not surprised by the stats listed in the Business Week article. As an online retailer & web developer, I have seen the population of women involved with technology dramatically increase over the years! Companies are now realizing who really spends the money. More power to us!

  2. Veronica (Born Rich) 24 November, 2005 at 22:35

    Women’s have really become tech-savy like their male conterparts. And, many new gadgets are coming-up especially for the womens!!

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