Bulletin: Astrodome Needs Computers

Group20pic A company called Technology for All has set up the Astrodome Community Technology Center (ACT) in Houston, problem is they only were able to set up about 40 computers which will be shared with relief workers, and some for public access. This is really not enough for the thousands of displaced people looking for a place to stay, jobs, housing, and missing relatives. They are asking for volunteers in the Houston area to assist evacuees who are not computer literate by bringing in their laptop to assist them. They also mentioned the Red Cross database needs experienced volunteers for data entry since they are far behind. If you are in or around the Houston area, and would like to volunteer please email Will.Reed at techforall.org. Yahoo has already sent 20 volunteers from CA, and many others have paid their own way from other states. If your company would like to donate some hardware, this is your chance to do something in a big way:

Here is quick summary of what they need....
Pentium 4 or faster computers
SVGA Monitors
10/100 switches and routers
Money for connectivity, expendable supplies, software, etc.
Volunteers (contact [email protected] )

Call TFA at 713.454.6400 for larger equipment donations. Online donations can be made at www.techforall.org. Individual equipment donations can be brought to our office at 2220 Broadway, Houston, Texas 77012. For a map go to http://www.techforall.org/directions.html

Tech for All Blog: http://texasctcs.blogspot.com/

Dome Blog: http://blogs.chron.com/domeblog/

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