I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream

Screambodyimagesmall The only time I let out a loud yawp is when 1.) I watch a scary movie 2.) Road Rage 3.)  Tourette Syndrome is induced and 4.) when people sneak up behind me. It's part of my training to fend off any possible attacks with the obnoxious sound of my blaring scream.  I hadn't realized I am a pretty big screamer. Alas, there is a ScreamBody Bag, the first of the series of Wearable Body Organs. The portable bag muffles your caterwaul sounds in public places so you can feel free to vocalize without the fear of environmental retaliation and at the same time it records the scream for later release. The product is designed to be visible rather than being hidden or unnoticed, as this is key in their functionality. There is a whole philosophy to the existence of this liberating pouch. Read More Here. Via Ubergizmo

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