Guccissima Case for your iPod

Gcase_1Gucci's Fall/Winter collection will include this uber expensive iPod case for $235 for your regular iPod and  $215 for mini versions.  What is the point of buying a case that costs just as much as your iPod. I don't quite understand paying that much for a small piece of leather, but then again I am not a rich girl. If I was I would probably buy it because I can. It's a better looking model than the one they had before. The chocolate brown leather is embossed with the Gucci's signature "G pattern, which I love because my name starts with a "G", so I like to think it's a bit personalized for me.  Anyway, rich girls all over the world, don't trip on the way to Neiman Marcus when you run out to get this overpriced little thing. BTW, raise your hand if you are ready for this iPod craze to die down. [Via]

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