Drive off into the Sunset with your iPod Mopah

Mopah Michael Tseng created the Mopah, a mobile device centered around the sharing of music in a mobile form. The scooter works in conjuction with the iPod, and is powered by reading the unique serial number off your iPod, meaning only your iPod will turn the scooter on. The prototype is part of a ten week project at SCAD. It runs on a 500 watt motor, and two 12 volt batteries. The Mopah is made out of foam, fiberglass, aluminum, steel and bamboo. It has a speaker box so you can enhance your riding experience, as if your life is a movie where you are riding into the sunset with the perfect song playing in the background.

"Mopah isn't about creating a beauty queen, it's more of a personal exploration in what it takes to make an idea real. That's not to say that I feel the aesthetics are lacking. I went with a much more personal simplistic style. The essence of the scooter is that it's not just a motorized bike with speakers, instead its a mobile boom-box. It's an outlet to freedom beyond mere transportation, a way of unlocking the limitless possibilities we have in life. And in conclusion it's a scooter powered by an Ipod, a detail which enhances the playfulness of the design." [via core 77]

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