I Knight thee, Sir iPod Lancelot!

Knightpod You ever wonder when these iPod cozies will either seize to exsist, or when the first iPod Accessory Museum will open?  The medieval cozy seen on the left started as a 'Labour a Love' from one woman to her husband.  Inspired by the Renaissance Faire, Mrs Horn knitted this chain mail cozy, and attracted instant fanfare after Mr Horn broke the story in his blog.  The cozy is made from steel rings, and also includes a belt loop for chivalrous display.  You will be able to own one of these " Envelopes of Love", for $25. The new ones will include delicate leather or velvet lining to prevent those ugly scratches. Expect a Knight "Mini" and "Shuffle" too. If you want to Knight your iPod, here is the link to more details.

1 comment

  1. RatBoy aka Mrs Horns 12 June, 2005 at 06:52

    Cozy is $25. Sorry, small breakdown in communication with the more tech savy who helped me. I have now corrected and added more info as new requests came in. (and learned how to post almost all by myself)

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