Chat with Karen Wood

Karenwood2_1We interview the woman behind BackStage Creations, a celebrity backstage retreat that brings celebrities gifts. We wanted to find out what is currently hot in the some of the biggest events like MTV's Music Awards, Grammy Awards and Emmy Awards.  Karen tells us that "anything techie is always hot." Find out what techie gifts make celebs very happy...

How do celebs react to gadgets included in the bags?

We love showcasing the latest goodies. We just gifted the XM MyFi’s at the Latin Billboard Awards and it was amazing to see the stars faces light up! One of the celebrities told me they had driven to every Best Buy in the area and they could not be found. Apparently they were flying off the shelves and back-ordered for months! We also had Sears at the Kids Choice Awards giving out digital cameras and launching the Ty Pennington Collection of sheets and comforters. The celebrities were swooning! I love seeing musicians and actors getting star-stuck over designers!

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