Fitness Yourself Virtual Personal Trainer on XBox

Manualcover_lowres_081904_1 It’s a New Year, and you have a few resolutions. One of them is to look fabulous in that sexy bikini by summer. And being the Techie Diva that you are, you probably  spend too much time in front of the PC, and not enough time in the gym. Girl, it’s time to say hello to your very own Virtual Personal Trainer Maya, from Yourself Fitness, available for Xbox or PC.  This fitness program includes over 500 original moves, you will be shaping that “flab into fab”, with Pilates, Yoga, Cardio, Strength and flexibility.  Want one more reason to hire Maya? Get over 4,5000 meal recipes to help you keep the weight off.  Voiced by former Demi Moore trainer, Yumi Lee, this workout might just make you feel like GI Jane.

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