Invisibility a Possibility?
A Japanese Professor has created an optical camouflage system that masks an object by making it appear transparent. But how is this possible? The transparent cloak only gives the illusion ...Snaked-Fashion Phone
Designers at Product Visionaires, a design group working with Siemens, appears to have developed a concept fashion phone with an emotional body monitor they call Snaked-Seductive Extravagance. In their own ...Uhm, you might have left with something...
We've heard all the lectures about protected sex before, but in the heat of the moment, precautions go out the window. Then reality slaps you in the face with an ...A Card that Does it All
NFC Forum is currently advocating the use of contactless credit cards (Visa, MC), and mobile phones (Nokia and Motorola) embedded with smart chips that make it easy for consumers to ...Buddy Beads for Teens
As part of her Masters degree thesis, Ruth Kikin designed the Buddy Beads as a way to for teenage girls to send messages to each other to "support their need ...