Condolences to Kim Family
All of us here at would like to give our condolences to the Kim family for their loss. This has been a hard time for this family and they're ...Where Are The Ultimate Geek Girls?
I came across an article that pointed me to CNet UK Crave's list of the "Top 10 Geek Girls." Among the contenders were Ada Bryon (the world's first programmer), Val ...Understanding How RSS Works
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a web content syndication format (XML-based) that is used for content distribution. Confused yet? I was until I started learning more about RSS. This is ...Pillow Talk Notifies You of IMs
Make blog has post about the Chatter Pillow Rebecca created. The idea is to send an alert wirelessly to the pillow alerting you of incoming messages coming from the one ...Digital Marionette on Mac
There's a nice application that turns your Powerbook into a puppet. wrote this app taking advantage of the Powerbook's sudden motion sensor position data, and using it to create ...LED Game Tables Rock!
Moritz Waldemeyer developed some very cool concepts that feature LED gaming on tables. Instead of sticking to regular games, this genius embedded LED lights and touchpads into plain white tables ...GeoGreetings Fun
Remember that marriage proposal that popped up on Google Maps? A more effortless and streamlined way of conveying a message has arrived in the form of GeoGreetings. The creator must ...Babysitter Around Your Neck
The baby-business has been going high tech for quite a few years now, but never did we actually wear an electronic baby sitter around our neck before. Now we can: ...Black Friday Shopper's Guide
Black Friday fans get your wallets ready, and prepare for the most chaotic shopping day of the holiday season. This is the one day when your dreams of finding $100 ...Digital Music Stand
When I saw this, the band geek in me sang out. I remember trying to turn the pages while I was in the middle of playing. It was so annoying ...