B-Membrane concept computer
I just love concepts and how the designers are not restricted to the laws of physics as they get to let their imagination go wild. The B-Membrane concept computer is ...PC of the Swim-Rings concept
While this concept is a cool idea, I don't think it will ever take off since I would love to stay away from work while chilling out at the pool. ...Curventa concept digital camera
I must admit that entry level point-and-shoot digital cameras these days are way better looking than their predecessors, but there is always room for improvement, right? Enter the Curventa concept ...CPR Monitor Concept
Administering CPR the right way in the event of an emergency is not something everybody knows despite the fact that all should at least know how to go about it. ...Sony Soutina speaker a reality
It is always nice to see conceptual ideas being turned into reality as technology advances at lightning speed, and this Sony Soutina is definitely one of those that made the ...Philips Smart Handbag
Throughout my interaction with the opposite sex, I've learned one thing - never to question them about the amount of handbags and shoes they purchase, or risk doing so at ...Green lingerie concept
Going green seems to be all the rage these days, so who can fault Triumph International for coming up with this eco-friendly lingerie? The entire lingerie comes with solar panels ...Nokia concepts from Provoke
Design firm Provoke certainly lives up to its name with a new bunch of Nokia concepts known as Express, Feel and Share. These designs will be showcased at this year's ...Flower Nurse helps you get some practice in
I know that taking care of plants well is often classified as something you either have, or don't. After all, it seems as though some people are blessed with green ...Shoe Headlights Concept
Designers Feijun Chen and Bin Zhao must have had enough of stubbing their toes against furniture during the night when making their way to the loo in order to take ...