• Diamondized Cannon IXUS

    There is only one place for diamonds: on my body. Forget bling on your gadgets, that's what Swarovski cystals are for. But the rich prefer diamonds on their grill, bras, ...
  • Tattooed Razrs for Bad Girls

    The Gadgetress spotted the Motorola Magenta RAZR at CTIA last week, except this one has some permanent decorations all over its body. You may have heard that tattoo artist Ami ...
  • New iPod Nano's

    Continuing with Apple's new lineup, the iPod nanos now feature iPod mini-like colours, improved screens, improved battery life, and larger sizes. Unbelievable but true they now have even thinner aluminum ...
  • Solar-Powered Rainbow Maker

    Do you like rainbows? I came across this solar powered Rainbow Maker this weekend, and just had to tell you about it. I used to have lots of crystals a ...
  • Fun Walk Stereo Speakers

    Some of you--I'm not saying who--have a strange attraction to character-based speakers like those Furgles, so let me introduce you to the Super Fun Walk Speakers. They sit on your ...
  • Microsoft's Zune

    Buzz is building around Microsoft's most anticipated player Zune, I came across this two video clips, showing the Zune in action, one of the video shows how the buttons work, ...
  • Shuffle this!

    Undergoing the most drastic change is the new Apple lineup is the iPod Shuffle, which has been halved in size, comes in a metal case, and now sports a metal ...
  • More Apple's from the Tree

    This years keynote from Steve, touted as "Its Showtime", debuted the new Apple lineup, which included new products and refreshes to the present mp3 line. Products that saw updates were ...
  • Going Dutchtub

    What looks like a huge cup, requires no electricity and fits four people? The Dutchtub! You see that small fire behind the blonde woman? That is a real fire that ...
  • BlackCoat Tee for iPods

    I'm sorry, but iPod wear is not going away that easy. So let's just enjoy the new iFashions, like this black iTee with a bright red zipper on the front. ...