Personalized Safety
Have they gone too far with fingerprint safe devices? I've seen the laptop that will scan your fingerprint before allowing you use to it. Now I have found a safe ...Sushi Dessert?
Do you like sushi? Do you enjoy chocolate? Well, imagine chocolate flavors and edible displays of sushi as an after sushi dessert. I know, it sounds just plain weird. It's ...Enough Pink Yet? No?
Ok, so you haven't had enough of the fabulously pink gadgets yet? Sony is coming out with a pink colored PSP for the female crowd. Divas, listen up, they are ...PS2 With 'Pretty-in-Pink' Look
Yes, that's right, girls, Playstation has come out with a new and ever-so-pink Playstation 2 gaming console. Expected to be released this November, the pink console will include fancy pink ...The Year of the Tablet PC
Expect 2007 to be the year of the Tablet PC, with Microsoft Windows Vista on the horizon, and the fact that Tablet PC Functionality is built into the Operating system ...Your All in One Phone
I've long awaited a cell phone which also incorporated wireless capabilites so that you could do VOIP, so that you could essentially use the same device to make all your ...Lenovo does phones?
Lenovo, has become known as the company who bought out IBM's struggling consumer business and is trying to breathe life into the Thinkpad Line of notebooks, they've also released a ...Free to Be!
Looking for a way to be truly untethered with your notebook, without having to actually have a formal network and a standalone computer acting as server for all your odds ...Motorola Hat
Are you like me and don't ever leave home without your cell phone? Well winter is coming up and Motorola thought up an idea for everyone (especially for snowboarders). Not ...The new bean bag!!
Here is the new and improved bean bag. It has cool little hole in the middle to sit in and has heat absorbant beads inside to keep you warm. It's ...