The Official Nike + iPod Shoe Hack
Remember a few months ago when the Nike + iPod Sports kit came out, and people were looking for ways to hack, tuck or sow that iPod sensor to their ...USB Missile Laucher
Check out the cool USB launching missile!!! All you have to do is install the software and have three AA batteries, and Windows 2000 or XP. Connect it to your ...Stress meter
Here is another gadget from This is the stress meter that only cost $21. So this is way cheaper then going to see some shrink or a medical doctor. ...USB "Duck-Shaped Vacuum Cleaner"
Check out this cute duck shaped vacuum cleaner that just fits into your USB port, and you are ready to clean up your desk area and you keyboard. God knows ...Pez mp3 player
Here is the first Pez MP3 player 512MB (holds around 120 songs). Made by It only needs one AAA battery. It has compatibility with Windows and Mac. Only 1500 ...Retro Posters
You can use Photoshop to turn your photos into ancient looking black and white posters. Thanks to Melissa Clifton who is offering Photoshop tutorial on how to create ...Crystalize Your Desk
Have you wanted to add some bling to your office? JC Penny has unveiled a basic desk accessory kit just for you ladies out there. The kit will include a ...iPod Shuffle Release - The New One
That's right, this Friday the newest release of the iPod Shuffle will be sold in stores. With a sleeker design that's a bit more square and an added clip to ...Refrigerated Table At Your Service
That's right, a table that refrigerates your food or drinks, keeping them handy where you need them when you entertain. The Smart Table by Gorenje is a refrigerator and table ...Surround Sound While You Sleep
It looks mighty large for the average bedroom but this bed is chock full of sound. With a 12-channel surround sound setup inside, it won't bore you to sleep. It ...