5 Gadgets for Maximizing Your Productivity
In a business climate where there’s so much to do, it can be hectic scheduling your various tasks for the day – whether you work from home writing, or run ...How to Choose an Online Casino Website
More and more women are enjoying a little fun with an online casino website during their lunch breaks or after the kids have gone to bed. Playing for fun or ...The Best Game Apps for Women
Playing computer games was once seen as the realm of the teenager, maybe the young male. But with the rise of the smartphone, more and more people enjoy playing a ...New and Coming Trends VR
It's an exciting time to be involved in the Virtual Reality sector. From the way that Oculus Rift is revolutionizing gaming to the rapid growth of Google Cardboard users, VR ...How Samsung Is Empowering Note7 Users
You’ve likely heard the news of the recent global Samsung Note7 recall. The company announced that every Note7 sold before September 15 is included in the recall and must be ...The Best (and Worst) Games for VR Headsets
The world of VR headset gaming is set to revolutionise both the industry and gaming culture. With the technology constantly improving, classic games are getting VR reboots whilst new games ...Top Android smartphones for gaming in 2016
No one can be without their mobile phone in 2016 and with the technology that fuels them advancing at an almost unimaginable pace, these devices are becoming more central to ...Don't you wish these apps existed when we were in school?
With all of the technology that exists today, there is an abundance of resources for students to use to help them perform better in school. Apps can be one of ...Divas doing their bit for iGaming
"Russian Treasure" (CC BY-SA 2.0) by subewl A 2015 study by Business Wire has shown that women are responsible for 49% of online gambling in the US, and these figures have been steadily ...Don't get caught Twittering at work
Some people spend way too much time on social networks during working hours, and some of them end up getting in big trouble or even fired. Spreadtweet is a great ...