Phonecard Ashtrays
While we don't encourage the abuse of smelly cigarettes, God knows it is hard to quit, smokers do get a lot of slack for putting ...Hollywood Snap-on-smile
With the ever increasing pressure to display a perfect smile, many of us are running to our local dentist to get a smile makeover. Even ...Weather Predicting Clothespins
Remember back in the day when your mom used to hang clothes to dry because she was old-school, and wanted to conserve energy and save ...LED Ear Flashlight
The hands free LED Ear Flashlight can be a very useful gizmo to have laying around in your car. We've all had those days when ...Genevieve Gauckler Mobile Wallpaper
While browsing through my recent edition of ceLifestles I came across this designer (yet pricey) array of wallpapers by internationally known graphic design artist, Genevieve ...Wake up to your iPod tunes
Nothing like waking up next to your iPod. This bedside clock has a stereo speaker system that projects clear sound, and houses your iPod as ...Vaja's Studded iPod Case
You have been slow at accepting the silly trend of dressing up gadgets with cases that sometimes are more expensive than the iPod itself. All ...MobiBLU DAH-1500 Cases
Korean company that makes the MobiBLU DAH-1500 has added mini cases in themes like Blobby-Things, Hello Kitty, or Snoopy for their super small mp3 ...Kate Spade iPod Shuffle case
In the quest to make the iPod Shuffle a bit more attractive and easy to carry, Kate Spade has yet another case for your white ...IM Device for Teens
Appropriately named Zipit, this gadget will keep your kids off the computer as they immerse in IM text conversations with their friends. Made by Aeronix, ...