Angelina Jolie Admits to Being Tech-Challenged
Despite her high-tech movie persona, Angie admits to being a bit (ok, completely) tech-challenged.A Kilt for Your Gadget-Man
It's Friday, and it wouldn't be right to send you off to a fun Super Bowl weekend without a good laugh. The guys over at ...Download Your Techie Diva Wallpaper
We've just uploaded a bunch of goodies for your iPhone and your computer, so download them! They're FREE!Best Valentine's Day Geek Shirt Eva!
Not sure what to buy your Valentine? How about a something that literally shows him/her how they light up your life--or shirt--when they're in the ...Microsoft Patents Office Spying System
Monitoring system could detect your level of productivity at the office, which means no more Web surfing during working hours.Fashion Designers Play with Video Handbag Idea
I'm not one to keep up with fashion, but when designers send sexy models down the runway carrying mini-LCDs on their handbags, I pay attention. The Trendhunter ...Tiffany & Co. Mobile Coming Soon
Move over Prada and Armani handsets, because according to Trading Markets, Japan's Softbank Mobile will be collaborating with luxury jeweler Tiffany & Co. to produce ...Hey Baby, What's Your $$$ign?
People out there are serious about their bling, so Tokyo-based Zeus Computer covered two of its models in pure platinum and gold. To complete the look ...Vaio T Sports New Creme/Black Shades
I love, love, love how Sony keeps re-inventing its VAIO laptops. The latest pics come from Akihabaranews, who says Sony is boosting the CPU from ...