Guitar Hero Widget
Love that Guitar Hero? How about a Guitar Hero III widget for your website? Activition released an embeddable GH widget users can plya by hitting ...LED lights to spruce up your home
Designer Jörg Schieber has come up with these LED lights for German company Chameledeon. They are pretty much minimalist in nature, featuring a remote switch ...Devotec Solar Charger
Energy costs are slowly but surely rising, no thanks to demands from growing populations in India and China while the rest of the industrialized world ...MacGyver watch for the adventurous
I'm pretty sure everyone who grew up in the 1980s will have fond memories of the MacGyver TV show, where the main protagonist was a ...KickTrak for moms-to-be
Since January is the National Birth Defects Prevention Month, it makes perfect sense to gift your wife the KickTrak device. Designed by an obstetrician, kickTrak ...Web 2.0 Expo: Meetup
Spending too much time behind the computer, and not meeting people face to face? With Meetup you can connect with people who share your interests ...Web 2.0 Expo: Oosah
Manage all your online videos and photos with one application like Oosah. This media management system is great for people who want to drag and ...Web 2.0 Expo:
Did you know your IM conversations are stored in your computer? Of course you did, that's why you turned that feature off, right? If you ...Mosquito Trap deadly for pests
With summer coming up, the change in weather will definitely make it more conducive for them pesky mosquitoes to breed, and these bloodsuckers aren't exactly ...