Modern Body Art
Designer Kyeok Kim is not your average jewelry designer. Her designs are provocative, some might even say unusual, but her high-tech twist on body art ...Credit Card Skins
You know how the standard credit card looks plain and gray? Someone out there actually came up with the idea of creating credit card skins, ...Sensitive Shoes
I have a lot of respect for women who wear high heels on a daily basis. Used to be that girl once, but now I ...You'll Find Me at The Club
I know most of us gals can pull anything off, but this? This just screams one too many hits of the happy stuff. Glowfur is ...Really, Stop Digging for your Phone
I have a deep purse, and hate missing calls because I can't ever answer my phone on the first ring. This is becoming a common ...Blackberry Manicure
You may remember the Apple and Binary manicures seen here in 2005, and well it's been a while since we laid eyes on a geeky ...Organize Your Cable Mess
I've been trying to get better at organizing my cable mess, so recently I bought a beautiful black box from The Container Store and hid ...$19,000 Seven-Person Bike
I wish this was a concept design, but it's not. Hammacher Schlemmer actually sells this Seven Person Conference Bicycle for a whopping $19,000! The circular ...Answer & Win: Who's the Sexiest Geek?
The cool ladies over at GeekSugar sent a Q & A my way last week (turns out I'm a Geeky Girl They Heart), asking me ...Heated Knee Pads
Do you spend a lot of time... on your knees? Hope those prayers are being answered, or it's back on your knees again. But don't ...