Meowing used to fix kids' attention


For those who have yet to move on towards the digital camera age, there are still some 35mm film cameras in existence that caters to this crowd. While most of such cameras come in a boring black color, this offering from Holga is definitely different, boasting a truly unique packaging that will appeal to feline lovers. The Holga K202 Cat Camera comes in a white body with a hand drawn image of a cat's face in front. In order to keep the attention of the young 'uns fixated upon the camera while you line up a shot, the Holga K202 will emit a really long "meooooow".

While this idea is pretty interesting, I'm not sure if it works better than bribing the kids to have some pizza once they're done with the current photo session. I suppose only the younger ones will be transfixed on why mommy has kidnapped a kitten and stashed it away inside a small, rectangle box. The Holga K202 Cat Camera is currently available for $29.99 on eBay.

Product Page via Technabob

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