But yes to creative and original!
Forget stylish, this Lego memory stick is more fun! Unfortunately it takes some work to get one for yourself. Visit this page and look at the quick and easy instructions. Then, buy yourself a flash drive and get creative!
This is one of the best ideas I've seen and I wonder if someone won't pick it up and make it in bulk. You could stack them and connect them--what a way to store the devices!
Just another ingenious idea that's out there. I probably would've chosen a different color than yellow, but the featured photo is from the creator, Tim P. and he's done a fantastic job in showing what it would look like completed.
If you're really interested in how to do this, visit here for more photos and another link to Tim's how-to.
Wil je niets stijlvols en al helemaal geen stijlvolle USB-stick? Haal dan die Lego-steentjes onder de kussens van je bank vandaan en ga aan de slag. Na een uurtje knutselen heb jij je eigen, uber-hippe (en handig stapebare) Lego-USB-geheugenstickje! Br…
Lego USB drive
Make your own non-official Lego USB drives. You can even stack them. Link (via Diva)
DIY LEGO Memory Stick
USB memory sticks are practically a dime a dozen anymore, and when you combine cheap with useful, you give rise to all kinds of fun hacks and mods. Plus, many offtheshelf designs are extremely utilitarian and boring, which is why some of t…