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How To Build A Proper Tech Setup In Your Home?

The covid pandemic brought about a mammoth change in every field of life. It introduced the concept of work from home on a global scale. But very few of us had the backing of the requisite infrastructure in our houses for catering to this changing demand. Home is the place which most of us identify with relaxing after a hectic day at the office. Transforming the peaceful setup of our house into an efficient workspace was anything but easy. But we have got your back with some helpful recommendations which can make it easier working from home. 

  • Remote working made it possible to work from anywhere provided you have powerful broadband to keep up with your browsing needs. This portability created the demand for a lightweight laptop which doesn’t tie you down to one place like the traditional desktop PC. But just being lightweight was not enough as a steep requirement was also felt for big display size and high RAM capacity to keep up with your multitasking requirements. 


  • While the touchpad of a laptop doubles up as its mouse, many people face difficulty operating the same. This brings us to our next point of discussion – a mouse. Here you can choose amongst wired and wireless variants though the second option is significantly more advantageous than the first one. The mouse you choose needs to feel comfortable to hold so that you don’t experience any hand or wrist pain at the end of your working session. 


  • For making the most of your home broadband, you need to purchase a dependable Wi-Fi router. Ideally, the router should transmit strong signals across your house so that you can enjoy super-fast internet irrespective of the room you are working from. Getting a good Wi-Fi router might seem pricey, but it can save you from embarrassment if you tend to have frequent zoom conferences with your colleagues.


  • You will also have to invest in a proper broadband package which can suffice your requirements. Here you can choose between dial-up landline or the modern fiber optic variants according to the availability in your locality. The rise in home working has added inertia to the demand for broadband connections. At the same time, it has also increased competition among service providers who are offering cheap deals and unlimited data plans to lure in more customers. If your requirements aren’t much, then you can make do with a sim-only plan having adequate data allowance to get your work done. 


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  • Our homes are infamous for having a lot of ambient noise. After all, it is wrong to expect the pin-drop silence of the office when your 5-year-old is causing a ruckus in the next room. But you can induce a feeling of calm by getting smart speakers for playing soothing music. Doing this can shield off all distracting sounds and also help in boosting up your concentration levels. The best thing about smart speakers is that you can sync them with your phone and run your favorite playlist on loop.


  • Unless you have smartphones like the Apple iPhone or other top models with a stellar camera, your video meetings might not yield desired results. In most cases, our laptops fail to capture the image in its true sense. You can fill in this void by bringing home a high-grade webcam that can improve your looks and boost up your confidence while you hold those Zoom seminars. 


  • Last but not least comes headphones for those must-focus moments where you need to be extra attentive. They can also guarantee better sound quality while keeping you comfortable throughout Zoom meetings. 



Having the tools and technology by your side can help you stay connected with your colleagues and also add to your efficiency meter. While investing in all of these tools might seem pretty capital intensive initially, it will be worth the investment in the long run.