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Making a Youtube Channel During Lockdown

YouTube has over a billion unique site visitors every single month, making it the third most visited site on the internet. If you’re thinking of starting a YouTube channel of your own, then you’re certainly in good company. No matter your reasons for starting a YouTube channel, whether it’s for a personal vlog or for marketing your side hustle, you want it to be seen. Creating an exceptional YouTube channel means having a plan and the right equipment. No matter your budget, making a quality YouTube video is easier than ever, and could become bigger than you might think. When some YouTubers are earning millions, why not see if you can crack into this hard-fought world?

1: Have a brand

Your first thing to do is decide what your videos are going to be about. You’re best off choosing something that you either know lots about, or that you’re happy to learn about. You’re going to be making a lot of videos about your subject matter, so the more passionate you are about it, the better. Think about the name of your channel, and the logos and imagery that you can use to align everything consistently.

2: Offer Value

Modern marketing is all about providing value. This usually comes in the form of teaching people about something. You could be giving people a run down of the latest cryptocurrency news or unpacking the latest tech gadgets, but make sure that you are answering a question that people have about your focused subject matter.

3: Get Creative

Different types of video will delight regular viewers of your channel. You could do interviews one week and How-To animations the next week. Delivering a variety of content types can be great for making things feel fresh. If you decide to create a different type of video, make sure that you have the right type of camera. A camera designed for landscape photography is not going to be as useful for a time-lapse video as a dedicated time-lapse camera from

4: Use Tags

Always make sure that you are using the right tags on your uploaded videos. These make it much easier for audiences to find your content. Use the tags that are related to your niche subject and tap into trending tags that are relevant to your content.

5: Fill Out The Description

Far too many YouTubers forget to add text to the video description box. This is a missed opportunity. You have the freedom to write whatever you like in that box, and it can make all the difference between looking amateur and coming across as more professional.

6: Promote

Once you have content uploaded, you need to start promoting it. This can become a full-time job if you’re not careful. Modern marketing can be very complicated if that’s not your area of expertise, but there are plenty of guides available that can give you tips for marketing your YouTube channel.

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you’ve missed out on the YouTube bubble. New channels are created every day, and while success is never guaranteed, it could become a valid method for growing your side-hustle or monetizing your personal opinions.