Non Stop Top for a break

Take a break from all your hectic work schedules with the Non Stop Top that keeps on going and going, just like the Duracell bunny.

The Non Stop Top bucks the laws of physics with ease, you spin it and off it goes, not for a minute, not ten, not twenty, not an hour, but for up to eight hours!! All it takes is a gentle twist and the motory gizmos inside the top (powered by a couple of watch batteries) spring into action, the lights flash bright and before you know it, it's picking up speed and steadily working its way around your desk. Addictive, silly, mesmeric, and strangely not as impossible as you'd have thought.

I could see you using this as a way to snag free drinks from your mates after a long week at work while winding down at your favorite watering hole. Just take a bet among your uninformed colleagues on how long this top can spin, and go home inebriated (via a cab, of course). The Non Stop Top goes for £9.99.

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