iClooly holds your iPod touch

Watching a movie on the iPod touch is definitely one of the more enjoyable activities one can partake in, especially when you're stuck in a long haul flight across continents. Unfortunately, just like the PSP or DS, holding it for long hours at an end could end up getting rather tiring. The iClooly offers a solution, freeing up both hands so that the iPod touch can be slotted in nicely, allowing you to view the video without suffering from hand cramps. In addition, it boasts the ability to rotate your iPod 90 degrees, depending on what you're using the iPod touch for. Needless to say, it is compatible with the iPhone as well, and will most probably function just fine with the upcoming 3G iPhone as well. There is no word on pricing although it is up for pre-order at Geekstuff4u.

Source: Akihabaranews

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