The new Magellan Roadmate 1200 is being marketed as a great entry-level GPS device. It's thinner than other models available and doesn't cost as much as past products. Made to be durable and easy to use, this model features a bright display and is lighter to carry than other GPS devices.
Maps are preloaded on an SD card by NAVTEQ and you get plenty of options on locations and directions. No bluetooth or text to speech is included with this GPS but you can bet it will do its job and get you where you need to go.
Even this seemingly bare-bones device doesn't have all those extras, it does have a neat 3D birds eye view feature for viewing in addition to the full or split screen 2D choices. Smart Detour will let you know what the traffic looks like up ahead and give you time to choose an alternate route. You won't find much lacking on this, especially if you're new to GPS devices.