Versaly Entertainment launches Fleur

vmbcVersaly Entertainment is a leading mobile media and entertainment company, and has teamed up with its video business unit to launch Fleur - a new brand that targets today's savvy and connected women. For the clueless, Fleur (pronounced “flur”, soft “r”) means flower in French.

Since mobile content for the female consumer has been largely ignored in the past, Versaly aims to change that by filling up the current void while bridging the gap for potentially greater consumption of mobile content, bringing extremely relevant and highly targeted content for today's modern woman.

Versaly's initial mobile collection of Fleur-branded wallpapers and animations will be made available to mobile carriers and web portals this week, including attractive and unique patterns which will enhance each woman’s sense of style and individuality. Future mobile collections will also touch on various categories such as dream destinations, style, inspiration and other pleasing imagery.

As for, the company will launch its Fleur mobile video-on-demand channel before 2007 is over, bringing fashion, night life, comedy, travel, finance, health and wellness, and celebrity gossip programming to the mobile user. This will be a free service, so you'll have to bear with short, non-interruptive, suitable advertising.

Press Release

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