Master Chief Turns Into Mimobot


I know there's a lot of gamers and gamer widows out there reading our site, so I had to tell you about the new Halo Mimobots. The lean, green Master Chief and the Spartans have been turned into mimobots pre-loaded with Halo content goodness. Inside you find some digital bits like wallpapers, screensavers, excerpts from the Halo novel, and even an unseen episode of "The Spartan Life." The Halo Mimobot Series 1 is currently available for pre-order, and won't be released until October 18th. The designer USB flash drives/toy collectibles are available in 1GB, 2GB, and 4GB capacities starting at $50, so start saving your pennies now. If you want to surprise your Halo loving gamer, this is a nice stocking stuffer they'll appreciate.

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