New & Improved Mouse

I love a new concept!  This CrazyPC Hover Mouse really has a lot going for it when it comes to first impressions.  It uses electromagnetic hovering technology, according to the site, to keep 100% of the friction most encounter while pointing and clicking throughout the day.

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The mouse floats 1 cm. above the surface while you utilize it just like you would normally.  This keeps the ergonomic feeling going as you experience a lightweight change.  A three-button mouse with blue LED lights makes it not only FEEL nice while using it, but it also has that futuristic look that gadget lovers drool over.

Also, a 6000 DPI optical engine claims to bring your gaming to the next level.  I haven't gotten my hands on one yet, but I'm definitely trying.  Hey, if it doesn't work well, at least I can display it on my desk as something neat to look at, right?  This mouse costs $74.99 and I'm assuming it must be used with the included mouse surface.


  1. Catmullrom 19 September, 2007 at 06:44

    “Copyright CrazyPC April 1st, 2006. Hover Mouse is a trademark of CrazyPC LLC”

    Notice a specific date referenced there?

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