Your Eyes are Wonderful, But They Can't See This

Can you see the difference between the shirt the girl's wearing, and the one shown on the iPhone (show-offs)? The technology that makes that little lightning bolt appear in the digicam is called Kameraflage (camera+camouflage..clever!). With it, anyone is able to embed secret messages in clothing, ads, film, and whatever else they want (tattoos, anyone?). What's sweet about it, is the message can only be seen through your digital camera, since our eyes are not able to pick up these invisible colors. Kameraflage has been secretly working on some high-tech threads for camera obsessive types who tune in to Flickr or YouTube, and come September, they'll be available on their website. I'm not sure if you'll be able to customize your message, but that would certainly be awesome. If you're in San Diego on August 6, you better head over to SIGGRAPH to catch a glimpse of their new fashion collection. And make sure you send me some pics!


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