An Angel Key Could Save Your Life

AngelKey holds your medical information on a nice compact USB device in case of emergencies.  This will be far more useful than the ICE function so many talk about on cellphones.

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This USB device will automatically 'snap open' to your Blotter when plugged into a USB port on a computer.  Placing emergency medical information on this device will serve to save your life in cases not planned for.

Utilizing an interview prior to signing up allows you to answer medical questions in regards to your history and other important information.  Including your photo, blood pressure information, medications you are currently taking, allergies, chronic or acute medical conditions that exist and much more.

You can choose the USB device or a printed page with this information.  I'm especially interested in the USB device and seeing it be used more often if possible.  I think this is another step, not to replace the bracelets in case of allergies or conditions.  This gives more information and in-depth care possibilities.  I can see it being used broadly very soon.

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