Sony Doubles Micro Vault

Sony has announced their new Micro Vault now has double the capacity at 8GB.  With277908072 029d778ed8 m 8GB native storage capacity, this baby will hold either over 2,000 MP3's, 2,000 high def. images, 20 hours of MPEG4 video and includes a pre-installed Virtual Expander.  This compression software lets you store up to three times more data.  This certainly increased the capability of the Micro Vault 'Midi' series.

The 8GB model also includes a retractable USB connector port which keeps you from trying to handle and keep track of a lid.  I always lose mine...  The LED indicator is built into the slide button to make this an even sleeker design.

Sounds like the storage media of today is going to be climbing the GB ladder, so to speak.


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