Leica M8 Camera

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German engineering into a camera? Yea, well, this is it!! The Leica M8 is the ultimate old school feel camera with the new school technology. From the front is looks like the classic Leica camera, but when you turn it around and you see the 2.5' LCD, then you know it is a digital camera. The camera can store up to 4gb of memory card so you can pack all the pictures from this 10.3mega pixel camera. The camera is like the Hummer of all cameras because it is made out of magnesium alloy. Heck, the silent electronic metal-blade slotted shutter provides for exposure times of up to 1/8000
second. That is crazy!! Plus is has all the normal functions that a professional photographer would want. It also has the price of a professional camera starting around $5,000.  Nick

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