America's Dream Date Contest!!

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The contest is called America's Dream Date. Baisically you submit a video to and people vote for your video. Make a video of anything! Say why you think you are a dream date or talk about what type of people you like to date. Then on September 15 the #1 ranked girl and guy win a free trip to Paris, France!!

This week the top girl and guy who get the most points wins a iPod NANO!! WOO HOO!!

So get your videos out and go for it!! Just let me know what your profile is and I will vote for you too!!


Nick has never been outside of the country, so he decided to try this out! So, girls, please vote for Nick so he can win this and get his butt to Paris, on one condition though, that he cover some shiny gadets for us from Paree. Click here to vote for his videos.

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