
188270978 ca4bcb3193 oHave you ever been on a date and wondered how bad your breath was? You do not want to embarrass yourself with smelly breath. Micro Electro-Mechanical (MEM) Bad Breath detector detects the foul breath that could be in your mouth. Similar to the MEM detector that is used to detect the amount of alcohol on a person breath; this particular one detects the chemicals that cause bad breath. These are usually sulphur-based compounds produced by food particles trapped in the mouth. You may think that you can smell your own breath and be able to tell how bad it is, but in truth, you get accustomed to the way your mouth smells and you will think that you smell fine. Be confident about your breath and pick up one of these Kiss-Me-Meters. It is only a couple inches wide, so you can take it anywhere.
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  1. 25 July, 2006 at 19:53

    Kiss-Me-Meter eliminates embarrassing situations

    It’s difficult to diagnose one’s own bad breath though, because you get so used to it. Kiss Me Meter is the latest gizmo to your rescue. Despite its romantic name, it seems appropriate for all social situations. The “Kiss Me Meter” has five LEDs indic…

  2. 25 July, 2006 at 19:51

    Kiss-Me-Meter eliminates embarrassing situations

    It’s difficult to diagnose one’s own bad breath though, because you get so used to it. Kiss Me Meter is the latest gizmo to your rescue. Despite its romantic name, it seems appropriate for all social situations. The “Kiss Me Meter” has five LEDs indic…

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