CellStik Backup Drive

How many of you depend on your cellphone for almost everything.  Notes, phone numbers178833134 77f525e94b m and appointments are all kept in that little metal box.  This is a great gadget for you, if this is the case.

The CellStik is a backup drive for your cellphone data.  It will allow you to back up and transfer cellphone data in a snap.  Just buy the appropriate model for your cellphone and push a button.  It is small and compact so you can back up your data periodically and then if you need the information, just plug it into your computer's USB port to retrieve what you need.

Visit this site for purchase details.


  1. Gadgets & Gizmos 8 July, 2006 at 19:57

    Backup Cell Phone Numbers

    I recently became the owner of a new cell phone, being all excited about testing it out before actually putting a lot of thought into it I started pushing random buttons and testing things out. BIG mistake, somehow I lost my contact numbers that I had…

  2. Gadgets & Gizmos 8 July, 2006 at 19:57

    Backup Cell Phone Numbers

    I recently became the owner of a new cell phone, being all excited about testing it out before actually putting a lot of thought into it I started pushing random buttons and testing things out. BIG mistake, somehow I lost my contact numbers that I had…

  3. Gadgets & Gizmos 8 July, 2006 at 19:57

    Backup Cell Phone Numbers

    I recently became the owner of a new cell phone, being all excited about testing it out before actually putting a lot of thought into it I started pushing random buttons and testing things out. BIG mistake, somehow I lost my contact numbers that I had…

  4. Popgadget: Personal Tech for Women 3 July, 2006 at 08:02

    Cellstik Backup Drives

    It’s pretty obvious that Cat from TechieDiva knows where I’m comin’ from on this. I’d like to see a show of hands of all the people that have dropped cellphones in toilets. I personally once deep-sixed a brand new…

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