iPod Holder Choker

Ipod_bag07Guess we're not the only ones trying to figure out how to get rid of that tangling cord mess. Diana Yu-Ju Lin (who also created the item below) created a fashionable workaround to this little problem.  She created an iPod holder choker that holds the iPod behind your neck, that matches that cute outfit. Ok, it may be a bit of stretch, but it's nice to see different ideas people put out there.


  1. TecnoCHICA 25 May, 2006 at 14:42

    iPod al cuello, una nueva manera de portar el iPod


    Diana Yu-Ju Lin es una joven diseƱadora que creĆ³ una funda para el iPod que permite que lo lleves en el cuello. Su principal ventaja es que no hay que lidiar con los cables de los auriculares, los cuales cuando estamos realizando a…

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