Talk About Digital Convergence

Skypemp3 For an unweildly combination of technologies meet the Toptone m808. This device doubles as a Personal Music Player as well as a portable VOIP solution, with the softphone solution of your choice.

It does however come preloaded with Skype, so that once you plug the device into any computer, Skype & you contact list are autoloaded & you're good to go making free calls (particlulary if you live in the States, this includes free domestic calls to landlines and cellphones).

The device which features an FM radio, comes in configuration from 128 to 512MB of memory to support your wma, mp3 & wav files, and supports WMV, MPEG-1/2/4, AVI video. Though i doubt you'll be watching very much on the 1.2'' 65k colour OLED screen.

Since it is a portable VOIP, the device, has a built in micrphone, which you can also use to record voice memo's.

Pricing starts @ $75 for the 128MB Model.

From [Engadget]

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