Mom Inventors Unite

147625437 50ac9768c9 mMothers are always looking for a way to make their baby safer and happier and caring for them more effective and convenient. Many times it is hard to find what you are looking for on the market. The search just got a little easier. A successful mother inventor has created a company that distributes products made by other moms and even has a book to show moms how to bring their ideas to the market. Tamara Monosoff is the Inventors Inc. founder and author of The Mom Inventors Handbook.

This handbook gives step-by-step advice for bringing your ideas forward. It takes inventors from idea development to marketing and sales. The book even includes stories from other mothers inventors sharing their lessons learned. So if you have an invention that you think would come in handy to other mothers, you should definitely pick up a copy of the handbook.
[Product Page]  [GizMag]

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